Falling Teacup #4, 2024
    Oil on canvas
    80 x 70 inches
    203.2 x 177.8 cm
    Falling Teacup #5, 2024
    Oil on canvas
    70 x 45 inches
    177.8 x 114.3 cm
    Falling Teacup #6, 2024
    Oil on canvas
    80 x 50 inches
    203.2 x 127 cm
  • "Robert Russell’s paintings are made from a time in history in which there are no verifiable images and much of the content we’re exposed to is disinformation. No matter how accurately rendered or copied his images are, there is no believing in visual truth, so perhaps we have to look for what he has faith in. Photo realism was criticized for its mundane and abject imagery. Now, we are drowning in abject imagery, and yet Russell is willing to mine these images."

    - Andrea Bower in "Put Out the Good Stuff"

    Falling Teacup #7, 2024
    Oil on canvas
    46 x 38 inches
    116.8 x 96.5 cm
    Falling Teacup #8, 2024
    Oil on canvas
    48 x 48 inches
    121.9 x 121.9 cm
    Falling Teacup #9, 2024
    Oil and gold leaf on panel
    38 x 30 inches
    96.5 x 76.2 cm
  • Robert Russell studio, Los Angeles, CA, 2024.
    Falling Teacup #10, 2024
    Oil on canvas
    42 x 32 inches
    106.7 x 81.3 cm
  • "In the Teacup oeuvre, Russell has moved from self-portraiture to reflections on kinship. The teacups are examples of family heirlooms. What Russell is focusing on is the deaccessioning of unwanted belongings inherited from family members... The motivations for selling the teacups are at the heart of this work. Grandma has died, and the family is encumbered by the worldly items she left behind. The task of getting rid of them is seen by Russell as a contemporary ritual."

    - Andrea Bowers in "Put Out the Good Stuff"

    Falling Teacup #11, 2024
    Oil on canvas
    32 x 22 inches
    81.3 x 55.9 cm
    Falling Teacup #12, 2024
    Oil on canvas
    75 x 62 inches
    190.5 x 157.5 cm
    Falling Teacup #13, 2024
    Oil on canvas
    70 x 60 inches
    177.8 x 152.4 cm
  • "In Russell’s newest series, the teacups are now animated, a move from photo realism to surrealism. Like melting clocks, these images capture the moment just before the teacups are smashed. The photorealist process of literally recording is replaced by the psychological subjectivity of the artist. Russell is illustrating a deeply personal desire to shatter a generational practice of assimilation. He describes these falling teacup paintings as an 'alchemical process,' and continues, 'We are allowed to do magic in painting.' Russell has found a way to deal with painting as not only an aesthetic process but also as a critical practice. The alchemy of turning the images of assimilation into beauty is now becoming a tool of criticism. It is apropos that he fondly remembers Lari Pittman telling him to always use the good stuff—put out the good china."

    - Andrea Bowers in "Put Out the Good Stuff"

    Falling Teacup #14, 2024
    Oil on canvas
    60 x 49 inches
    152.4 x 124.5 cm
    Falling Teacup #15, 2024
    Oil on canvas
    30 x 24 inches
    76.2 x 61 cm
  • Robert Russell studio, Los Angeles, CA, 2024.
  • Robert Russell (b. 1971 in Kansas City, MO) received his Master of Fine Arts from the California Institute of the...
    Robert Russell in his studio, 2024.

    Robert Russell (b. 1971 in Kansas City, MO) received his Master of Fine Arts from the California Institute of the Arts, Santa Clarita, CA and his Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Rhode Island School of Design, Providence, RI.


    Russell has been the subject of recent solo exhibitions at Anat Ebgi Gallery, Los Angeles, CA; Miles McEnery Gallery, New York, NY; OSMOS Station, Stamford, NY; The Cabin LA, Los Angeles, CA; Burrard Arts Foundation, Vancouver, BC, Canada; LA><ART, Los Angeles, CA; Big Pond Artworks, Munich, Germany; and François Ghebaly Gallery, Los Angeles, CA.


    He has been included in recent group exhibitions at A Very Serious Gallery, Chicago, IL; Anat Ebgi Gallery, New York, NY; Gowan Contemporary, Geneva, Switzerland; NeueHouse Bradbury, Los Angeles, CA; Anat Ebgi Gallery, Los Angeles, CA; Roberts and Tilton Gallery, Los Angeles, CA; Pasadena Convention Center, Los Angeles, CA; Material Press, Los Angeles, CA; and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles, CA.


    Russell lives and works in Los Angeles, CA.